You have to create the fading led effect on 2 leds. But each led has to fade all the way off so then the fading on may start on the other led. Like So-
If you gave up or want the answer here is the source code(there might be other ways to do it, so if you can recreate the effect it is fine. comment below your answer)-
/* This source is for fading 2 leds one at a time
As soon as one led is off the other will start to turn on
int brightness=0; //sets the brightness of the led. it starts as off or 0
int change = 5; //change for bightness
int ledon = 6; // ledon is the led which is currently on
int ledchange = 1; // switches which led is going to turn on
int prevled =5; // represents the previous led that was on.
void setup()
pinMode(5,OUTPUT); //led is on pin 5
pinMode(6,OUTPUT); // anothe led on pin 6
void loop()
analogWrite(ledon, brightness); // starts to set the led on
brightness = brightness + change; // creates the fade effect
if (brightness == 255){ //if brightness reaches 255 then
change=-change; // change will become negative and cause led to fade out
ledchange=-ledchange; //this will switch which led is on
if (brightness == 0){ //if brightness is 0 or nothing then
ledon =ledchange+ledon; //led which will turn on is changed
prevled =ledon - ledchange; //SETs the led which was previously on so
analogWrite(prevled,0); // it will stay off without this the led will stay on
change=-change; // change, changes again to fade the led up.
delay(30); //delay for a smooth effect